Do you need electronics that can operate at extreme temperature? High vibration? with high performance processing?


Here at Ozark IC, we are the rugged circuit specialists, providing solutions spanning aerospace, energy, industrial and space applications.

Browse our products and technologies to see how our XNode(R) rugged computing platforms can help solve the hardest problems on and off Earth.

Ozark IC's XNodeTM UV-100 at work on the International Space Station!
Enabling Real-Time System Monitoring and Data Collection with Integrated Analysis Capability
Senior Applications Engineer
Job Title: Senior Applications Engineer
Location: Fayetteville, AR
Company: Ozark Integrated Circuits, Inc.

Job Summary:
The senior applications engineer at Ozark Integrated Circuits,
CEO Matt Francis Serves on IEEE Board
In addition to his role at Ozark, CEO Matt Francis is also giving back by serving on the Board of Directors of IEEE, the largest technical professional organization in the world.
Applications Engineer

Location: Fayetteville, AR
Company: Ozark Integrated Circuits, Inc.
Job Summary:
The applications engineer at Ozark Integrated Circuits, Inc. is responsible for designing circuit schematics, completing
Ozark IC to attend Packaging Chips with CHIPS Summit
We are looking forward to contributing to the discussions at the IEEE-USA Packaging Chips with CHIPS Summit. It's an exciting opportunity to engage with leading experts
Ozark IC chosen for DOE Phase 2 program for Geothermal Monitoring
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced selections totaling $142 million for 123 small business projects for research in multiple areas, including